California Department of Education | California Department of Education
California Department of Education | California Department of Education
The grade with the second highest number of students was kindergarten, with 2,226 students, or 10.5% of the student body.
The school that had the highest number of seventh grade students in Palmdale Elementary School District during the period was Desert Willow Fine Arts Science and Technology Magnet Academy, while Buena Vista Elementary School had the fewest.
Overall, Palmdale Elementary School District enrolled 21,205 students, ranking as the 58th highest enrolled district in California for the 2023-24 school year. It ranked 59th highest in the previous school year.
California's public schools face a growing financial crisis driven by declining enrollment and an increase in chronic absenteeism, both impacting the state's school funding model.
Enrollment, which peaked at 6.3 million students in the early 2000s, has steadily declined to under 6 million today, with projections indicating it could fall below 5.2 million by 2032. This trend is attributed to lower birth rates, slowed immigration, and families relocating out of state due to high housing costs. Rural and coastal districts have been particularly affected, facing tough decisions such as school closures and staffing reductions.
At the same time, chronic absenteeism has surged from 12% pre-pandemic to 25%, disproportionately impacting younger students and jeopardizing their long-term success.
School | Total Enrollment |
Barrel Springs Elementary School | 618 |
Buena Vista Elementary School | 574 |
Cactus Medical Health and Technology Magnet Academy | 845 |
Chaparral Prep Academy | 580 |
Cimarron Elementary School | 464 |
David G. Millen Law and Government Magnet Academy | 1,006 |
Desert Rose Elementary School | 648 |
Desert Willow Fine Arts Science and Technology Magnet Academy | 1,020 |
Dos Caminos Dual Immersion | 902 |
Golden Poppy Elementary School | 494 |
Innovations Academy of Palmdale | 431 |
Joshua Hills Elementary School | 559 |
Los Amigos - Dual Immersion | 1,025 |
Manzanita Elementary School | 624 |
Mesquite Elementary School | 618 |
Oak Tree Community Day | 51 |
Ocotillo Elementary School | 611 |
Palm Tree Elementary School | 447 |
Palmdale Academy Charter | 751 |
Palmdale Discovery Center | 216 |
Palmdale Learning Plaza | 803 |
Quail Valley Elementary School | 525 |
Shadow Hills Engineering and Design Magnet Academy | 874 |
Space Aeronautics Gateway to Exploration Magnet Academy | 786 |
Summerwind Elementary School | 569 |
Tamarisk Elementary School | 738 |
Tumbleweed Elementary School | 624 |
Yellen Learning Center | 55 |
Yucca Elementary School | 477 |